Thursday, 8 June 2017

The race

Nearly there! Now all I had to do was swim across the wide lake and I would win the race. I could see the orange trophy on the other side of the lake. Within a minute I found myself swimming  to the other side. Wait... is that a crocodile!?!? I swam as fast as I could and felt something " chomp " on my foot. Turns out my " crocodile" was just a little fish. My lungs were burning. Pushing through I swam to the other side of the lake. I walked out the lake and collapsed, I had won the race!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Karmen,

    Your writing made me giggle! I could imagine you almost walking on water after being bitten by the "crocodile", only to find it was a little fish! What a way to win a race! I had a good chuckle.

    I so enjoy your writing. Please keep it up. Good work, Karmen.

    Mrs S.
