Monday, 19 June 2017

Ivy Rose

The stop-motion project is a project where we are put in partners and then we make our own super hero or villain and make a stop-motion movie about him/her. We created her as a ninja super villain who is always plotting schemes. We made her because we really like the idea of being able to create our own  character. If I had to change something about her it would be to make her skin smoother, because it makes her look untidy but we did not have enough time to finish her. For me the highlight of this project was when we made the background scenes in the movie because we had a lot of fun painting with different techniques. I had a lot of frustrations when we were making our characters eyes.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

The artwork

Well that's great! A new art project due for tomorrow and I didn't have a clue of what to make. The  brief is to make something using newspaper. I was hungry and I wanted to get in bed,wait that's a good idea I could make something food related, like a hamburger. I started of right away plastering newspaper to form two hands and a patty, two buns, lettuce and cheese. It was done! It looked amazing and just looking at it made me hungry. Im so glad I finished and just in time! I am so relieved and proud.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

The race

Nearly there! Now all I had to do was swim across the wide lake and I would win the race. I could see the orange trophy on the other side of the lake. Within a minute I found myself swimming  to the other side. Wait... is that a crocodile!?!? I swam as fast as I could and felt something " chomp " on my foot. Turns out my " crocodile" was just a little fish. My lungs were burning. Pushing through I swam to the other side of the lake. I walked out the lake and collapsed, I had won the race!